Some clips of Flight of the Conchords. "Business Time" and "Jenny" are partcularly great. Two very talented and funny Kiwis!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Rotten Tomatoes and Passion Fruit

The Inspector has added a lot of new fangled whistles and bells to the blog. The videos for example are all randomly displayed based on keywords, so a school on the TEFL Blacklist might unwittingly find its promotional crap being displayed here. International House's Madrid video has been displayed - whoopee!, "Schools" previously unknown to The Inspector have unexpectedly popped up onto his screen. For example, an outfit called "I to I" has already been spotted where some smarmy git drones on about their 20 hour distance course (wonderful only for their cash flow of course not that he admits it). Rest assured readers that "I to I" (pronounced eye to eye) will feature on the TEFL blacklist very soon. Consider the videos an eclectic collection such as a coconut shy or a rotten tomato section or even surprisingly a gallery of wonder. Please do not assume that everything is endorsed by The Inspector who on the contrary considers this new feature as a kind of TEFL spider's web.

Each day will bring someting different that The Inspector either wants to take the p*ss out of or finds moving.

The theme for the moment is the singer Eva Cassidy. A truly incredible loss to the world. Hardened as he might be by the recent onslaught from Lady Florence McHammered, There are only two sounds that will cause the Inspector to burst into tears: George Bush and Eva Cassidy!

The news section has been put up on a trial basis. Cactus TEFL has been spotted so yet another opportunity for throwing rotten tomatoes. The type of news displayed will depend on The Inspector's mood at the time (usually irreverent). At the moment of writing the news features Switzerland, where the Inspector is currently staying whilst on his eighty day journey around the world.

Send any feedback to the "nomination" page.

The Inspector will review the changes on a regular basis so do let rip if you feel like it.

There is also a links section which has been provisionally added. You might get a chuckle or two out of them. Who knows the Inspector might even add the odd worthwhile link.


Inspector McHammered of the Lard in Val Ferret, Switzerland


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