As you can imagine The Inspector gets quite a few postings of a somewhat ehrrm, uncharitable type. I would now like to set the record straight:
- I like buses but have no desire to throw myself under one.
- I have no desire to get to know "the boys" down a dim alleyway at night!
- My sexual preferences are none of your business and in any case I would need to do a fair bit of yoga to have a sexual relationship with myself so comments of that type are sheer wishful fantasy.
- "Go forth and multiply" was how it was put in the Bible. Please don't reduce it to two short words.
- Why should any professional have trained for at least three years Graduate study and then be expected to get some Mickey Mouse overpriced diploma to......
- Teach for less than you pay a toilet cleaner, a dishwasher or any job in McDonald's. No offence to people working in those industries but you didn't have to spend a lot of time, energy and money to end up being exploited.
- Megalomaniac, egocentric school owners and petty DOS' are often the norm, especially in China and Korea.
- What sets TEFL/ESL apart, is that too many schools hide behind a fictitious facade of corporate professionalism, when in reality far too many bully, overwork and underpay their teachers and do not deliver what they promise, Shane Schools is a fine example.
- EFL teachers have no union with any teeth.
- EFL teachers are often cheated by schools running outrageously expensive TEFL Cert. courses.
- TEFL career prospects are worse than a turkey's at Christmas
That dear readers is why this blog exists. To inform and enlighten the innocent TEFL lambs and warn them of the Big Bad Wolf.
Inspector McHammered of the Lard