This outfit is still advertising for TEFL teachers through 'Serious Teachers' website.
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I also worked for RFT in Turkey and had a terrible time.
The company is run by Koray and Zanore.
My girlfriend and I were told we would have four camps each. But when we arrived after spending 300 Euros each on transport we were told there was only one for my girlfriend and two for me.
My girlfriend's camp was only part-time, so she made only US$750 in two months - not even enough to live on.
Koray agreed to pay my girlfriend a per diem of US $400 to help her survive.
The worst thing was that when it was time to leave, Koray refused to pay our flight money (which our contract said we were entitled to).
Koray said he wouldn't pay the flight money because he'd given my girlfriend the per diem!
There were many, many other problems with these guys. AVOID! - ____________________________________________________________
I have been corresponding with Zanore from RFT, and have been thinking about taking a job with them. This makes me nervous, can anyone say more about them?
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Hi I'm currently also looking at working in Turkey and have been contacted by RFT. I get so sick of schools taking advantage of the teachers. Anyone know of a good school in Turkey?
C- ____________________________________________________________
RFT Turkey has cheated me out of money. They simply refused to pay me for working a summer camp. They are deceitful and unprofessional. Be wary of them. Try to find a job elsewhere. They are also doing other weird things there.
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Wow! I am so sorry to hear that others have gone through the same trials and tribulations with RFT.
They brought us here promising us many things. Not riches and fame mind you, but just your basic necessities.
We were lied to in every way you can imagine.
I stress that this is not a bitter rant. We did all that they asked, and remained incredibly patient and loyal to RFT.
They lied about where we would live, where we would teach, what we would teach, how often we would teach, what they would furnish the house with (NOTHING), permits, time-off if we needed it, and sooo many other things.
In a nutshell, they are without a doubt the worst people to ever run a business. This sentiment is echoed by everyone we met who was here with RFT at the time. They cannot be trusted. If you do complain about things you will be threatened with deportation, police, etc.
Zanore and Koray actually dated too. This made matters worse. They screamed and yelled in front of employees. They forced some newcomers to live with them at their office/residence because they had nowhere to put them.
They fired people on a regular basis for absolutely no valid reason. They even fired their one and only office worker/recruiter because she stood up to them and defended the teachers' rights. She too was threatened with the police.
We have left Turkey since, but we did meet many good people here in Istanbul. There are lots of good schools around. It is ABSOLUTELY worth coming over here, just heed our words....STAY AWAY FROM RFT!!! - ____________________________________________________________
Yeah dıtto to the last post. Zanore and Koray lie and fight in front of people. They at tımes can be nice but only to serve their purposes. This isnt a bitter rant either, only a warning. They can find you a school to work for but they offer little support. They seem to take their commissions and run. Dont ever put yourself in a position where they owe you money.
RFT's website is one of the finest exercises in fiction I have ever read. It says teachers are given psychometric tests and have all their qualifications checked out.
When I worked for them, they were literally grabbing backpackers off the street and giving them fake degrees so they could teach.
I should add that they simply refused to give me all the pay they owed me. Koray said I had been "expensive" because he had to pay our English recruiter Paul Rogers 400 pounds for my CV. Therefore, he refused to pay my flight money.
I was incredulous and very loudly gave him a piece of my mind. Didn't get my money though!
Avoid these charlatans at all costs.
Key words: "Paul Rogers" Koray Zanore RFT Turkey

Some clips of Flight of the Conchords. "Business Time" and "Jenny" are partcularly great. Two very talented and funny Kiwis!

Friday, October 17, 2008
RFT Turkey
All this is to be found on the Turkey section but they deserve a special page of their own. Bargepoles at the ready as this outfit sound awful:
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I worked for a recruitment company RFT. The job was ın Turkey and ıt sounded wonderful but the students were horrıble! I was told by RFT that I should resign and they would fınd me another job! The job they offered me I could not afford to take. The salary was much to low to survıve ın Turkey. I later resıgned and my contract states they must provıde a plane tıcket to your home country. When ıt came to purchase the tıcket they just avoıded my calls and threaten to deport me. They brought me to Turkey !